Crabs (Cangrejos)
River crustacean, one of the delicacies of this land
Crabs, if possible those from Herrera de Pisuerga, both stewed with tomato or with oil, pepper, garlic and paprika, are one of the star dishes of this land.
In a saucepan, with cold water and coarse salt, place the crabs, add the bay leaf and the peeled garlic cloves, which are boiled for five minutes. Drain the crabs and heat the brandy or cognac in the same pot. The salt is added and it is flamed. Meanwhile, you can make the tomato sauce that accompanies the dish. In a frying pan, fry the tomato, crush the garlic and cayenne. Subsequently, we will add the choricero pepper. This sauce is poured over the crabs and boiled for ten minutes.