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Feria Chica
Festivals and traditions

Feria Chica

Del 30 de mayo al 2 de junio de 2024
30/05/2024 to 02/06/2024

Also called Pentecost Fair

With popular roots, it has its origin in a royal privilege granted by Fernando IV in gratitude to the people of Palencia, who had bravely defended the mother of the monarch, Doña María de Molina. That episode happened on June 30, 1296. The merchants who attended the fair were free of charge, that is, exemptions from paying to enter or leave their products in the city. Traditionally, the festival was celebrated forty-nine days after Easter Sunday, but since 2016 it has been decided to establish a fixed date that coincides with the first weekend of June. Today its programming accommodates music and sports activities, highlighting the celebration of the Infa Palencia Infame ’Festival and the traditional Ceramic and Ceramics fairs. Ocasional and old book. Not being the most important of the fairs that the city hosts, it usually receives the nickname of "Feria Chica".



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Palencia Feria Chica 2024
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